Central Indiana AHC

Reccurring Events

Waiting for event info

Cars & Gravy
Bring your classic, custom or new vehicle! Stop by for something delicious to eat! Event is Free. Everyone Welcome (Pets too!). Rain or Shine.
Times: 9:00am-noon
Location: The National, 215 E 38th Street (Between N. Washington Blvd. and N. Delaware St.)
  • October 12th
Indianapolis Cars and Coffee
Dates and Locations:

2024 Events


Business Meeting at Monical's Pizza (Traders Point)
Momentum Winter Garage Party Tech Session
Momentum Motorsport, Louisville’s only self-service shop will again open up their entire facility to us for a private Saturday morning tech session. This is a huge 6,500sf shop now with four Challenger 2-post lifts and all the tools and equipment anyone might need. With all of these lifts available, the theme of this Garage Party will obviously be undercarriage inspection and driving season get-ready.
hosted by Louisville British Sports Car Club


17th (Saturday)
pre-Daytona 500 Party and Chili Cook-off has been canceled due to weather
at Jim and Bev Bush's, 2 - 4 PM


Business Meeting at the Green Street Pub and Eatery in Brownsburg.
27th All Sports Car Swap Meet & Autojumble
DuPage County Fairgrounds, Wheaton, IL
Hosted by Chicagoland MG Club


4th - 7th
Texas Healey Roundup 43
Mineral Wells, Texas
Host hotel: The Crazy Water Hotel
Contact: North Texas Austin-Healey Club
12th (Friday)
Ladies Tea at The Tea Room of Rustic Root,
626 Main Street, Beech Grove, Indiana 46107
Tour of ACME Sports & Classics
1609 Orinoco Ave, Suite D, Columbus, Indiana. We'll also be touring the Atterbury-Bakalar Air Museum.


10th - 11th
Carlisle Import and Performance Nationals
Carlisle, PA
Roundabout Rally
meet at the visitor side of the Carmel High School football field at 10:00 AM. No, we won't be visiting all 150 roundabouts.
Carmel, Indiana
16th - 19th
Austin-Healey Spring-Thing 2024
The Austin-Healey SpringThing has been hosted by the Bluegrass AHC since 1991. This event has deep roots in Kentucky backroads, bourbon, hospitality and wacky fun! SpringThing is a relaxing, family-oriented gathering of the Healey faithful, drawing attendees from more than eight states and parts of Canada. Traversing small-town Kentucky and souther Indiana, SpringThing locations change each year, allowing for new and exciting adventures for attendees and VIP experiences at some of the Commonwealth’s most historic and noteworthy attractions. For more information on SpringThing email Ben Moore.
Hosted by Bluegrass Austin-Healey Club
Indy Caffeine & Gasoline & 20th Anniversary Celebration
Griot's Garage Distribution Center, Plainfield, Indiana
10 am - 2 pm
18th - 19th
British Car Day Columbus, Ohio
Annual event expecting 250 cars in 35 classes popular vote and awards, rockercover races at Quaker Steak for food and beverages. $25 day of registration.Spectators are free. Host hotel is Cambria Suites with driving tour and hospitality suite day before. Portion of registration goes to charity. Contact: Tony Burgess. Phone: 614-580-3727. Email: BRITSatPOLARIS@AOL.COM.
27th - June 2nd
28th Celebration British Car Awareness Week
Annual week of classic British car awareness. Urging all owners of British cars to get their favorite cars onto the roads and into public view in their communities to help spread awareness of the classic British car hobby.
Planet Earth
31st - June 2th
Champagne British Car Festival 2024
BCF is a three day event, culminating in our car show held on the grounds of the David Davis Mansion on June 2th. Aston Martin and Austin-Healey are the featured marques.
Bloomington, IL
Hosted by the Illinois Flat Land British Car Club


British Bash 2024
The 40th annual British Bash will once again be held on the tree-shaded lawn of the St. Joseph Children's Home, 2823 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206. Registration 9 AM - 11 AM, with awards presented around 3:30 PM. Door Prizes, Raffles, Silent auctions, food provided by Scouts and models by Elcara Photography.
British Return to Fort Meigs British Car & Bike Show
The Lake Erie British Car Club will be hosting their 25th annual 'British Return to Fort Meigs' British car and bike show at the Fort Meigs Historical Site located at 29100 West River Road, Perrysburg, Ohio, 43551.
Shop tour with Jerry Baker
86th Street and Moore Road, Indianapolis
The Northern Indiana club will be attending Cars & Coffee at the Auburn-Cord-Dusenberg Museum, followed by lunch at Jon and Peg's garage with a museum tour and downtown shopping in Auburn, Indiana
Tour of Frank Lloyd Wright house, Samara
Lafayette, Indiana
36th Annual Michiana British Car Show
The Michiana Brits British Car Enthusiasts Club invites you to join them at their Michiana Brits 36th Annual British Car Show. This highly popular all-marque show is on the beautiful campus of Saint Mary’s College on the north side of South Bend, IN, across the street from the University of Notre Dame. Judging will be by popular vote, with awards given for each class and Best in Show.
Hosted by Michiana Brits


Drive to Cammack Station
Cammack Station is a fun place to eat and get great ice cream! But how do you get to Cammack? It's easy: Cammack is one mile east of Reed Station, 4 miles east northeast of Moonsville, 4 miles southeast of Gilman (or Bethel), 6 miles south west of Stockport, or 6 miles south of Gaston. Still lost? The easiest and best way to get there is join the MINI Club of Central Indiana on a drive there with other British car clubs!
We'll meet in front of Godby's Home Furnishings, 14550 Mundy Drive, Noblesville, IN for a 10:45 drivers meeting and an 11:00 start. The drive is just under 60 miles.
13th - 14th
Mad Dogs and Englishmen British Auto Fair & Rally
The rally is on the 13th. The car show is at the Gilmore Car Museum, Wolfville, Michigan on the 14th.
Hosted by Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Business Meeting at Big Woods Restaurant, Speedway
Rolling Into Roanoke
10 AM - 3 PM
Roanoke, Indiana


39th Annual Dayton British Car Day
36th Indy British Motor Days
The 36th annual Indy British Motor Days will be held at Lion’s Park in Zionsville, just one block from downtown on E. Sycamore Street (about 116th). Your family will enjoy browsing the galleries, antique shops, specialty stores and the farmer’s market. Lunch may be available on site, but there are also a variety of restaurants on Main Street offering breakfast and lunch.
Hosted by Indiana British Car Union
Exotic Feline Rescue Center tour
2221 E. Ashboro Rd., Center Point, Indiana 47840
Hosted by Ed and LeAnn Barnett


Red Bridge Park Car Show
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
697 W. Jackson St., Cicero, Indiana
For more information, contact Rob Wilson
ARTOMOBILIA focuses on display and appreciation over competition and although each of the automobiles is truly magnificent, this event is not just about cars; it's about the art and automotive enthusiasts. This event embraces the essence automotive art and design by uniquely combining the artwork of local galleries and artists, with the presentation of significant automobiles and their iconic design.
Carmel Arts & Design District
Carmel, Indiana
14th - 15th
Columbus Scottish Festival
Bartholomew County Fair Grounds, Columbus, IN
the festival has an European car show on each day.
15th - 18th
Encounter 2024
The Austin-Healey Sports and Touring Club’s annual, multi-day meet called Encounter is open to all Healey owners and enthusiasts. The AHSTC regions take turns hosting the event, which features a popular vote car show, judged concours, a rallye, tech sessions, a gymkhana and a flea market. On September 15-18, 2024, the event returns to Ocean City, N.J., site of Encounter 2019, and the host hotel will again be The Historic Flanders Hotel, a 100-year-old landmark located just a stroll away from the boardwalk. The web site.
13th - 15th
The Healey World Challenge
featured marque is the Cars of Donald Healey
Ariens Art on Wheels Vintage Weekend Featuring VSCDA
Road America, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin.
15th - 20th
Austin-Healey Conclave 24
at Sheboygan/Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. The host hotel is the Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan.


4th - 6th
Newport Antique Auto Hill Climb
Newport, Indiana
11th - 12th
Sleepy Hollow Car Show
The Cruise IN begins at 6PM on Friday. The car show is on Saturday from 10 AM to 4 PM. Vevay, Indiana
Cars & Gravy
9:00 AM to 10 AM @ The National, 215 E. 38th St, Indy
Halloween Party and Business Meeting
back to the red barn at Jim and Bev Bush's.
31st - November 3rd
Southeastern Classic XXXVII
Host hotel is the Hampton Inn and Suites in Dobson, North Carolina
hosted byTriad AHC


a drive to an Edinburgh Indiana cemetery to visit a Revoluntary War veteran's grave
AHCA Delegates' Tour - TBD
16th - 17th
AHCA Fall Delegates Meeting
Plainfield, Indiana.
